• Trump executive orders suspend resettlement of Afghan allies

  • Bringing organizations together to help Afghan allies

  • An open letter to the Afghan diaspora

We unite disparate groups toward a unified goal:
honoring the promise we made to our Afghan friends and allies.


Members of the #AfghanEvac coalition work together on the full pipeline from ground-level humanitarian support through relocation opportunities and resettlement efforts.

We built and administer the mechanism for cooperation between U.S. government agencies and private groups.

We work hand-in-hand with these partners, legislators, and the public to coordinate efforts, improve efficiency, and distribute information.

Read more about our organization and mission

Trump Executive Orders suspend relocation and resettlement of Afghan allies

On January 20, 2025, President Trump signed two executive orders which have significant adverse impacts on efforts to relocate and resettle our wartime allies.

Learn about the Executive Orders and their effects


Infographics about the vetting, relocation, and resettlement process

Our team has developed easy-to-understand infographics to help lawmakers, humanitarian organizations, and Afghans understand the process and requirements for resettlement.

View infographics


Our policy goals

Our position is straightforward:
After 20 years of war, the United States has an obligation to help relocate and resettle those who risked all to assist our forces on the battlefield.

Learn about our policy goals



β€œTo do anything less would […] repudiate the values we cherish as a nation of immigrants, and our longstanding tradition of providing refuge for the victims of religious, ethnic and political persecution.”

β€” President Gerald Ford,
speaking about resettling Vietnamese allies